St. Peter’s College, Agra, founded in 1846, is an unaided Christian Minority Institution owned by the Roman Catholic Diocese of Agra education society, Wazirpura, Road, Agra, a Registered Charitable and Educational Society and is affiliated to the Council for the Indian School Certificate...
Prime Minister's Message

"It had long since come to my attention that people of accomplishment rarely sat back and let things happen to them. They went out and happened to things." These immortal words of Leonardo Da Vinci highlight an undeniable quality of every person in history that has left a mark on this world. Each one of them never waited for opportunities to arise. Instead, they acted proactively and created opportunities for countless.

Knowing this valuable lesson of "Action is the only constant," is one of the most important reasons that I have been blessed with the opportunity of being the Prime Minister of the Student Council for the year 2024-25. Throughout this journey, I have had a hard time understanding that our responsibility as human beings is to act, to work, to fulfill our responsibilities without any expectations of the result or fruits; but it is an indisputable fact nevertheless. As rightly said by Shri Krishna, "Thy right is to work only, but never to its fruits. Never let the fruits of thy actions be thy motive, nor be attached to inaction."

No matter the situation, whatever you do, you must focus on doing it not better than anyone else but doing it the best way you can. When you are connected with always raising the bar for the good not because of the end goal of being praised for it but simply because it is your duty to give the best possible effort in all the opportunities you have been gifted with, that is when you unlock your true potential.

All of my accomplishments over the 12 year path to this post have

been possible because of mostly not being inclined to take the shortest route no matter how long or tough the path that satisfied my conscience was and I thank God that I realised the longer route was the more fruitful especially at times I was almost tempted to completely switch over to the short cut. It's a fact in the end hard work and adhering to the right action will triumph no matter how much easier the short cut or the smart work route may seem.

The post of the Prime Minister of St. Peter's College is one that has had a rich lineage, one that now I too form a part of and I consider a responsibility to try and enhance that lineage with my actions as much as humanly possible.

I have faith and am confident that I will be able to accomplish and make proud my Alma Mater and uphold the legacy that comes along with this post because the support of my Peterian Family, the guidance of my parents and teachers, and the blessings of God Almighty are sufficient for any and all daunting tasks that have ever been created.

I hope that I can lead by example keeping in mind the motto of the grey, magnificent, tall and strong, St. Peter's, "Palma Non Sine Pulvere" - No Reward without Labour.

Dhruv Makhija
Prime Minister
St. Peter’s College

"Leadership is not about the next election, it's about the next generation." - Nelson Mandela

Indubitably, within the journey of every individual, there exist pivotal moments that encapsulate and shape their lives. For me, I am extremely honoured to have become, The PRIME MINISTER, St. Peter’s College for the year 2023-2024.The most prestigious post in this dozen-year-long school journey, an assurance if not a guarantee that you are certainly destined for things big and impactful, a perpetual impetus to work hard. I express my gratitude to every member of this school fraternity for molding a timid boy into a confident man aware that “You will find peace not by trying to escape your problems, but by confronting them courageously”.

Our institution is simply more than a school imparting mere education. State-of-the-Art infrastructure, A Smorgasbord of extracurricular, cultural, and sports activities, A Plethora of national events for real-life exposure is what complements each child while he undertakes this decisive journey of his formal education with our college. Every class, every Principal, and every teacher I came across during my journey has left me with indelible lessons, which I value far above my academic knowledge.

Let the pretentious complexities of strategies and smart work not allude you from the 'simple' truth that the essence of success is deeply rooted in working hard. If you want to make it big, Call your shots, Trust your instincts. Remember anything worth doing, is worth doing well, so find your calling or passion whatever, work with both your soul and your mind, and never look back and regret. But certainly never neglect your academics, which you may find ever able to drive you out of any struggle.

Some important lessons that earning this post has taught me; are that it is never about the destination of becoming the prime minister or a topper but this journey of eleven years, to cherish all these moments no matter how small is what life is all about. Remember everyone has humble beginnings, and never stop feeling gratitude and compassion and care for everyone that supports and understands you.

I hope optimistically, to fulfill along with my entire cabinet to the best of my capacity every duty, manage with excellence every task to repay with responsibility this opportunity of authority, and ensure standing up not to be superior, but to serve; not to be above, but to be among; not to control, but to empower.

I end by reminding you; life will always be a never-ending struggle, not ending after you land in a good college, nor after you make a good career, it always goes on, you should only have the courage to fight. So gear up as life never gets easy but depends on you to enjoy it.

Dream Big, Work Harder and Always Aspire to Inspire.

Thanking everyone from the bottom of my heart,

Kaamil Nayyar
Prime Minister
St. Peter’s College

“A leader is the one who knows the way, goes the way and shows the way”

I Anuj Bansal, feel really honored but humbled to have been elected as the Prime Minister of the student’s parliament of St. Peter’s College for the academic session 2022-23. I extent my heartfelt gratitude to our Principal Rev. Fr. Andrew Correia, Manager Rev. Fr. Ignatius Miranda, Vice-Principal Rev. Fr. Shajun and my honorable teachers for reposing their faith in me and bestowing this coveted post to me . Being the prime minister of a college that holds a legacy of one hundred and seventy five glorious years fills me with ecstasy.

I, on behalf of the student’s parliament ensure that we will whole heartedly co-operate and lend a helping hand in executing the programmes and policies of our alma mater in the most effective and efficient manner. I firmly believe that our tireless efforts will surely help us to contribute our mite to the growth and well being of our college

The moto of our college ‘palma non-sine pulvere’ which means ‘no reward without labour’ will be fulfilled to the fullest.

I, with the support and cooperation of the other office bearers, will leave no stone unturned to carry out my duties with great determination, devotion and dedication.

In the end, I exhort my fellow cabinet members to follow the virtue of obedience, loyalty and hard work. I solemnly pledge that with the support and guidance of the principal and teachers, we will be able to carry out our duties to the satisfaction of all concerned so that college can ascend greater heights not only in academics but also in all other fronts. Let us all keep the college flag flying high especially in this year of the DODRANSBICENTENNIAL.

Thanking you,

Anuj Bansal
Prime Minister
St. Peter’s College

Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. Once you become a leader, it is all about growing together. I, Anush Mangal, am honoured to have been elected as the Prime Minister of the Student’s Parliament of St. Peter’s College for the academic session 2019-20; I am extremely delighted to be honored with the most coveted designation of St. Peter's College. I extend my sincere thanks to Rev. Fr. Paul Thannickal, Rev. Fr. Andrew Corriea, Rev. Fr Lawrence Raja and my honoured teachers for having placed their trust in me. I feel privileged to have been blessed with the opportunity of serving this great institution. Along with my council, I proudly claim that what we are today is because of our parents and our school. We hope to grow greater heights and carry on the legacy of the school forever and ever. To achieve this dream of ours, we must work unitedly, independently, with loyalty and with cooperation. This is what our Alma Mater teaches us and expects us to do. Come all of us, you and I make the school a place to study, play, enjoy, make friends, have fun and grow to be better human beings. At this important junction, I exhort you all my fellow brothers, to uphold the values of obedience and honour towards our teachers and elders. We can then cross all obstacles and sincerely success will be ours. Let us all shoulder together the responsibility to work to the best of our capabilities so that we keep the flag of St. Peter's flying higher and higher.

Thanking You,

Anush Mangal
Prime Minister
St. Peter’s College

“Success is achieved by ordinary people with extraordinary determination.”

I, Kalptaru Agarwal, am honoured to have been elected as the Prime Minister of the Student’s Parliament of St. Peter’s College for the academic session 2018-19. The post of being the ‘first among the equals’ is a dream post for most of the students of the college and to have been entrusted with it, is a moment of delight for me. It has been due to the support of my Alma Mater which has developed my personality throughout these consecutive 11 years.

St. Peter’s College moulds the personality of every student in a way that the students of this institution does not only possess the qualities of discipline, respect and generosity but also the feeling of love, compassion and togetherness. The staff and management has been ever supportive and their consideration towards the students is commendable. I would state the lines of former President of Afghanistan, his Excellency Hamid Karzai who paid a visit to St. Peters a few months back, he said, “If I ever got a chance for my son to study in India, I would love and wish to send him to St. Peter’s College.”

The college has taught us the motto of PALMA NON SINE PULVERE, i.e., no reward without labour. It has enriched our lives with the purpose of dedication and hard-work. We must not believe on the concept of our destiny as our Destiny works on the basis of our efforts which solely depends on us. Always remember to work in the present towards your goal and not for future oriented results which are improbable- “Let’s make our FUTURE now and our DREAMS tomorrow’s Reality.”

Keeping an optimistic approach has been a key fundamental of my life. Have a positive outlook in your life and look out for positive future aspects in any situation. Like it is said:“The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.”

Follow the strategy of DECISION and DEDICATION. When you plan for something, try taking a correct decision and to be successful, show the dedication towards your decision. And you will always be enriched with delight of success.

Your uniqueness is the thing which makes you different from other. Don’t be a part of the crowd and that is what we are taught at St. Peter’s to stand out differently from the others. Be the first of your version to do a specific kind of thing. Following the above basis would work only and only if you work on your inner soul. Keep yourselves strong in this world as you must have heard, “To earn a reputation, it take years but to lose it, a second is enough.” Focus on your goals, be extraordinary and never get swayed away by any means.

Becoming the Prime Minister gives me a great deal of responsibility rather than authority over anyone. I want to convey that we all have an equal share in the society to contribute. We must give ourselves to this nation and to this planet. Our deeds should be for Mother Earth and our nation with selfless attitude.

I solemnly resolve that with the support of the management, staff, students and the elected Parliament of the collegecombined with my skills and aptitude, we will endeavour to take our magnificent institution to new glorious heights.

Thanking You,

Kalptaru Agarwal
Prime Minister
St. Peter’s College

“A good leader is the one who not only creates a spark but also fires the hearts of the ones around here”.

I have been entrusted with one of the most prestigious and honorable posts that a Peterian could wish for. But, being the Prime Minister of St. Peter’s does not make me better than the rest of my school mates. In-fact it does not give me authority over anyone at all having this post endows upon me a great deal of responsibility instead of authority.

Anyone who upholds the name of this esteemed institution by his actions deserves to be a leader. It’s easy to make targets but rather arduous to achieve them. Many of us soon sway from our paths before getting success and that is what makes us weak. No road to success is ever easy but once we stop deterring from our ways then the journey would surely be brief.

“The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do”. This quote is probable applicable to all. What should be remembered is that people only try and pull you down when they know are they incapable of reaching those heights. So whenever you are being held back then consider yourself to be on the right track.

My message to all would be to adopt virtues from competent men, while letting your own aspiration and dreams to be compact. Each personality is different and no-one should be ashamed of his individuality. “You won’t be great if you want to be, you will be so when you follow your dreams”.

Thanking you

Garvit Kumar
Prime Minister
St. Peter’s College

"Success is not a result of spontaneous combustion. You must set yourself on fire."

Today, I've been honoured with the post dreamt by many. Is this success? Partly, yes. Success can never be final. It is the courage to continue. If your dream has come true, sleep and dream more but never fix your goals. Just continue......

The most important thing is to give your best in every situation. There will be times when your best isn't enough, but as long as you are giving your best, you'll have a triumphant smile on your face. In the end it’s the smile that counts.

St. Peters has moulded my character and taught me that one should accept failure; everyone fails at something, but never accept "NOT TRYING".

It all depends on second letter of the word SUCCESS. Just be yourself. Never lose your own identity in the race of becoming someone. If Asked I don't want to be the. Next Bill Gates, I want to be the first Pranav Ashra.

In these 11 years, this college has given me the secret ingredient of how to be aside from the 'Anyone' crowd and be 'Someone' in life. Though it is a secret I'll tell you. It is - be Yeasty, be Obedient, be Unaltered. In short just be YOU.

Thanking you

Pranav Ashra
Prime Minister
St. Peter’s College


I, SAJITH ANJICKAL, The PRIME MINISTER of the student parliament, for the year 2015-2016, am truly humbled to assume this prestigious post, which every student aspires to hold, when he embarks upon his journey at St. Peter’s College. It’s an honour to be writing this message to all of you.

There’s A famous saying that ”The only fence against the world is a thorough knowledge of it. The competent and respected teachers of our school impart. These kinds of education to the pupils that make them stand out in this tough world outside.

World class facilities and infrastructure of St. Peter’s college inspire and encourage the Peterians to pursue their goals as “One way to keep momentum going is to constantly have greater goals”. Our overall persona is honed by the extracurricular activities and sports event.

St. Peter’s College has given me precious eleven years that I won’t trade for anything. I solemnly promise that with the support of my colleagues and teachers combined with my diligence and skills, we will take this institution to another level of eminence.

Sajith Anjickal
Prime Minister
St. Peter’s College