St. Peter’s College, Agra, founded in 1846, is an unaided Christian Minority Institution
owned by the Roman Catholic Diocese of Agra education society, Wazirpura, Road,
Agra, a Registered Charitable and Educational Society and is affiliated to the Council
for the Indian School Certificate Examination, New Delhi.

St. Peter’s College is one of the oldest institutions of its kind in the country.
It began as a Boarding School in 1841 and was transferred to its present building
in 1846 which has been accepted as the founding year of the school.
Since the First war of Independence in 1857, St. Peter’s College has stood as a
witness to the freedom struggle and to the changes that have taken place since then.
The College had achieved such prominence by 1870 that the then visiting Inspector
wrote in his report that it would “bear no unfavorable comparison with the best institutions
of a similar kind in England and Europe.
In the same year the school was affiliated to Calcutta University for its first
entrance examination, and was henceforth called a ‘College’. Education in St. Peter’s
was regarded as a sure passport to the Roorkee College of Engineering, various government
departments and to the Secretariat.
As a result of the high reputation of the College, dignitaries like the Prince of
Wales, the Duke and the Duchess of Connaught, the Duke of Edinburg; Viceroys like
Lord Northbrook and Lord Ripon; Governors of Uttar Pradesh; Ambassadors of the Holy
See; Mother Teresa; leading sportsman like Vijay Hazare, actor-singer Kishore Kumar,
leading statesmen, scholars and poets paid visits to this Institution. Of late Ajit
Wadekar, Milka Singh, Kapil Dev, P. T. Usha, Manjit Dua, Madanlal, Rajyavardhan
Rathore, Ashok Kumar Dhyanchand, Ajay Jadeja, Murali Kartik, Nayan Mongia and Late
Sunil Dutt were also added to this list.
After Independence, the College re-oriented its studies and co-curricular activities
to suit the requirements of a free country and a developing society. It has met
successfully the new challenge of nation-building and of training the young generation
to be better citizens.

Till 1966, the College had a Rector who was a priest and Fr. Lawrence Colaco was
last Rector. Mr. E. S. Merriman, a layman, was the last headmaster. It was during
his time that the Centenary of the College was celebrated. In 1966 Rev. Fr. Columban,
OFM, Cap., became the first Principal. During his period, the College excelled in
different activities like academics, sports, games, cultural and literary fields,
social and charitable initiatives, leadership and character formation and tours
and excursions. Fr. Columban was elected as the Vice-President of the International
Conference, bringing the name of St. Peter’s College on the world map.
To meet the need of growth a new block was built in 1963 on the initiatives and
under the overall supervision of Fr. Lawrence Colaco. In 1966 the space in front
of the old building was given a better look.


The statue of St. Peter, one of the twelve disciples of Jesus Christ and the heavenly
patron of the College was installed, trees planted and flowerbeds laid. Since then
the College has made the planting of trees and environment protection activities
its regular feature. In 1984, the Boarding facility was discontinued, thus facilitating
the admission of a large number of day scholars from the city.
In 1962, the last batch of students appeared for the Senior Cambridge Examination,
conducted by Cambridge University, and from 1963 the Indian school Certificate Examination
was introduced. In 1977 the 10+2 system began. During the past quarter century,
our students have been getting top positions in ISC and ICSE Examinations. The Prime
Minister’s Award and the Governor’s Gold Medal have been awarded to our students
a number of times. Our students have been winning various National Talent Search
Scholarships regularly.
Apart from the academic side, emphasis is laid on various other activities like
sports and games, debates, dramatics, elocution, science activities, music, yoga,
gymnastics, Athletics, Swimming, Skating, Taekwondo, Snooker, Lawn Tennis, Basketball,
Football, Cricket and Badminton etc. Our students have been representing the district,
region and State in different disciplines. The great Hindi Poet Shri Satya Narain
was a student of this College.
The College takes keen interest in social, charitable, humanitarian and nation-building
projects. Mother Teresa praised the efforts of the College during her visit. Help
Age India appreciated our monetary contributions for the elderly and the destitute.
Help was sent to the earthquake and flood victims in different parts of the country.
Regular help is being given to people affected by leprosy, the aged, the destitute,
the cancer patients, street children, and the people affected by natural calamities.
The College actively participates and imbibes the ideals of Dharma Bharati now known
as “Universal Solidarity Movement“; a national movement for value education for
peace, based in Indore. This movement aims at safeguarding the secular credentials
of our country and in promoting an inter-religious spirituality. Students of today
are to be the teachers and leaders of tomorrow, and hence it is just right they
are groomed in the right frame of mind.
In 1996, the College celebrated the sesquicentennial with various programmes befitting
the occasion. The main attraction of the celebration was a play “Gyan Sadan” written
and directed by Fr. Charles Vaz S.V.D.
The year also witnessed the renovation of the old swimming pool converting it into
one of international standard and measurement. It was inaugurated by MS. Kiran Bedi

The years 2003-04 witnessed major developments in the infrastructure and growth
of the College. The old “Infirmary cum Music Room” underwent a through renovation
and facelift accommodating an open stage for the Primary School. A fully fledged
building with 33 class rooms, administrative block and a Multipurpose Hall was constructed
exclusively for the Primary School, inclusive of a library, two computer labs and
activity rooms. Space is also earmarked for further developments.

This new venture was blessed and inaugurated by Most Rev. Dr. Pedro Lopez Quintana,
Apostolic Nuncio to India and Nepal, on Saturday, 3rd December 2005. On the same
day the new open stage facing the football field was also blessed and inaugurated.
St. Peter’s now has a 400 mtr. Track with a widened ‘A’ field.

With the generous support of the Ex-students Air Marshal A. K. Singh AOC, Western
Command and Mr. Ranjit Issar, Principal Secretary, Ministry of Defence, the College
is blessed with two Post Centennial Diamond Jubilee gifts: a Hunter Air Frame and
a Vijayanta Tank. We are grateful to all, particularly the Ministry of Defence for
granting us these precious gifts.
The academic year 2006-07 was the Post centennial Diamond Jubilee (160 Years) of
the College. It was a special occasion of gratitude and prayer for the marvels the
Lord has done for St. Peter’s. Among the various celebrations were Jubilate-2006,
an Inter School Cultural Fest and the Sports Meet, presided over by His Excellency
Mr.Shiv Shanker Mukherjee, Indian ambassador in Nepal an Ex-Peterian of 1964 batch.
The Akash Ganga Team of the IAF enthralled the gathering with its Sky Diving performance
on the occasion.
In the academic year 2007-08 the former Olympian and captain of Indian Hockey team
Mr. Ashok Kumar Dhyanchand visited the college. He was the chief guest for the 161
st Annual Sports Day. In order to make the life of our students tension-free
and disease-free and to make them healthy, wealthy and happy, a yoga session of
45 minutes, during the assembly has been introduced.

The Father Columban Memorial Stadium was inaugurated on 15 March 2009 by Mr. Aditya
Sachdeva, Director, and Coaching Mahesh Bhupathi Team Tennis Academy. There are
two Lawn Tennis Courts which are constructed as per international measurement and
The Multi-purpose Block was inaugurated on 5th September 2009 by His Eminence Oswald
Cardinal Gracias. This block houses the Archbishop Albert D’Souza Yoga and Meditation
Centre in the basement; chemistry, biology labs and computer lab for middle section
in the ground floor; two badminton courts and a computer lab for seniors in the
1st floor and the library in the second floor.

St. Peter’s College inducted a Snooker table in the sports room of the college.
Snooker table inaugurated by Mr. Param Kapoor (National Level snooker player).
St. Peter’s main gate was renovated by Rev. Fr. John Ferreira. It is blessed and
inaugurated by Cardinal Oswald Gracias.

Mahesh Bhupathi Team Tennis Academy. There are two Lawn Tennis Courts which are
constructed as per international measurement and standard. The majestic entrance
gate of the College was constructed in the year 2010 and was blessed and inaugurated
by His Eminence Oswald Cardinal Gracias.

The history of St. Peter’s would be incomplete without a word of gratitude and appreciation
to all those great souls who have contributed their mite to the well-being of the
College. We are indebted to all the Bishops, Priests, Principals, staff and students
of the past who have left their mark on this great Institution. The Management,
the well-wishers, the previous administrative heads- all command our indebtedness.
The present Principal, Rev. Fr. Alwyn Pinto, staff, students and the Ministerial
Commune leave no stone unturned to keep the flag of St. Peter’s fluttering high.