St. Peter’s College, Agra, founded in 1846, is an unaided Christian Minority Institution owned by the Roman Catholic Diocese of Agra education society, Wazirpura, Road, Agra, a Registered Charitable and Educational Society and is affiliated to the Council for the Indian School Certificate...
Vice-Principal's Message

Learning takes place in schools or school-like environment or in the world at large.

In developing countries there is often little formal education, children learn from their environment and activities and the adults around them act as teachers. In more complex societies where there is more knowledge to be passed on, a more selective and efficient means of transmission-the school and teacher becomes necessary.

Education is one of the important issues concerning the progress of the country as million are left behind in the race of development owing to the lack of education. Education today still remains a far cry for the children belonging to the underprivileged classes, which awaits benefit of globalization and liberalization to trickle down.

This is education all about in St.Peter’s “It is indeed very commendable thing that such a prestigious institution has been serving the nation in such a glorious way ,supplying great people, officials representative of high standing to our people”-very rightly said by Rt.Rev.J.Gratian Mundadn,CMI-Bishop of Bijnor

St.Peter’s College has the enviable reputation of being one of the oldest institutions of its kind in the country .It is acclaimed for its quality of education that hears no favorable comparison with best institutions of a similar kind going beyond academic excellence, the college has established reputation in extra –curricular activities as well as its social outreach to the people in the neighborhood .St.Peter’s still continues to pursue the church ‘s ministry of “Providing for its children an education for the promotion of a well balanced perfection of the human personality.

It gives me great pleasure in thanking the almighty god for giving me this opportunity to be a member of this prestigious institution .I pray to the lord ,Jesus Christ ,the teacher per –excellance,to enable all the members of St.Peter’s college, through their education at efforts to bring peace,properity,productivity and pro-active relationships with out and all.

With sincere blessings

Rev. Fr. Louis Xess